Local and Nonlocal Geometry of PDEs and Integrability

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Short link to this page: https://gdeq.org/Trieste18

Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of Joseph Krasil'shchik

8-12 October 2018, SISSA, Trieste, Italy

Workshop Photography


The conference Local and Nonlocal Geometry of PDEs and Integrability will focus on the geometry and algebra of differential equations, differential geometry, integrable systems, mathematical physics, and all that. This is a conference in honor of Joseph Krasil'shchik's birthday and his many contributions to all these fields.

Scientific Committee

Dmitri Alekseevsky, Ugo Bruzzo, Boris Dubrovin, Davide Guzzetti, Alexei Kushner, Valentin Lychagin, and Vladimir Rubtsov


Ugo Bruzzo, Davide Guzzetti, Vladimir Rubtsov, Alexander Verbovetsky, and Raffaele Vitolo

For any questions, please email the organizers at trieste18@gdeq.org.


Conference poster in pdf


The program was last modified on 5 October 2018 at 16:30 CEST

A projector and a good blackboard are available in the lecture room.


All abstracts in one pdf file

  • Sergey Agafonov (São José do Rio Preto)
  • Dmitri Alekseevsky (Moscow)
    • Shortest and straightest geodesics of an invariant sub-Riemanniasn metric on a flag manifold, abstract, presentation
  • Lukas Barth (Heidelberg)
  • Pavel Bibikov (Moscow)
  • Ugo Bruzzo (Trieste)
  • Matteo Casati (Canterbury)
  • Vladimir Chetverikov (Moscow)
  • Ludwik Dabrowski (Trieste)
  • Boris Dubrovin (Trieste)
  • Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge), Oct. 8evening-11late afternoon
  • Matteo Gorgone (Messina)
  • Maxim Grigoriev (Moscow)
  • Davide Guzzetti (Trieste)
  • Gerard Helminck (Amsterdam)
  • Aleksei Ivanov (Moscow)
    • Complex invariant Einstein metrics on flag manifolds with -root system , abstract, presentation
  • Paul Kersten (Losser), till Oct. 10
  • Igor Khavkine (Prague)
  • Nina Khor'kova (Moscow)
  • Hovhannes Khudaverdian (Manchester)
    • Homotopy Poisson brackets and thick morphisms, abstract
  • Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach (Paris)
  • Joseph Krasil'shchik (Moscow)
  • Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø), Oct. 9-13
  • Jacob Kryczka (Angers)
  • Alexei Kushner (Moscow)
  • Giovanni Landi (Trieste)
  • Valentin Lychagin (Tromsø)
    • On classification of the second order differential operators and differential equations, abstract, presentation
  • Andrei Marshakov (Moscow), Oct. 9-14
    • -difference Painleve equations: symmetries and solutions, abstract, presentation
  • Luigi Martina (Lecce), from Oct. 10late morning
  • Michal Marvan (Opava)
  • Andrey Mironov (Novosibirsk)
  • Folkert Müller-Hoissen (Göttingen)
  • Francesco Oliveri (Messina)
    • Lie remarkable systems of PDEs characterized by affine and projective transformations, abstract, presentation
  • Stanislav Opanasenko (St.John's)
    • Generalized symmetries and conservation laws of (1+1)-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation, abstract, presentation
  • Maxim Pavlov (Moscow)
    • Integrability of the Gibbons-Tsarev system, abstract
  • Michael Roop (Moscow)
    • Thermodynamics of submerged jets: exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, abstract, presentation
  • Vladimir Rubtsov (Angers)
  • Alexey Samokhin (Moscow)
  • Jan Slovák (Brno)
    • Traces of Tractor Calculus in Sub-Riemannian Geometry, abstract
  • Giorgio Tondo (Trieste)
  • Jakub Vašíček (Opava)
  • Alexander Verbovetsky (Moscow)
  • Raffaele Vitolo (Lecce)
  • Petr Vojčák (Opava)
  • Valery Yumaguzhin (Pereslavl-Zalessky)


There will be no conference proceedings, but instead we plan to organize a special issue of J. Geom. Phys. with contributions from the participants, with all submissions being refereed according to the regular procedure.

Conference Expenses

There is no participation fee. The venue, conference material and coffee breaks are free.

The participants are supposed to pay for their travel, lodging, and meals (including a social dinner and an excursion). It is possible to have a lunch at the SISSA canteen, very close to the conference room, for EUR 5-7.

A very limited financial support will be available to some participants upon request.

Location and Travel

Room 005 (ground floor) of the SISSA Main Building, Via Bonomea 265, Trieste

The working days of the conference: 8-12 October.

The arrival day is 7 October (Sunday). The departure day is 12 (Friday) or 13 October (Saturday).

Because of Barcolana regatta in Trieste, hotels are busy for the night 12-13 October. Correspondingly, we reduce the Friday afternoon session.

Travel information on the SISSA website:

From the Trieste center SISSA can be reached by the 38 bus from via Galatti in front of Piazza Oberdan (opposite the Birreria Forst), see the map.


SISSA has special discounted rates with the hotels listed here.

Please ask for the special fare directly when booking the hotel.

Below are two selections from the full list, one of which contains hotels in the center at less than 10 minutes walk from the 38 bus stop. The second selection lists hotels in the old town at 15-20 minutes walk from the 38 bus stop.

You can see all selected hotels on this map.

If you have any questions about your accommodation in Trieste please email the organizers at trieste18@gdeq.org.

Hotels in the center

Hotel Abbazia
Via della Geppa, 20
Albergo Alla Posta
Piazza Guglielmo Oberdan, 1
Bed and Breakfast Decò "Torregiani"
Via Scala al Belvedere, 2
Bed and Breakfast Palazzo Panfilli
Via della Geppa, 2
Hotel Colombia
Via della Geppa, 18
Hotel Italia
Via della Geppa, 15
Hotel NH Trieste
Corso Cavour, 7
Hotel Milano
Via Carlo Ghega, 17
B&B Hotel Trieste (Formerly Novo Hotel Impero)
Via Sant'Anastasio, 1
Nuovo Albergo Centro
Via Roma, 13
Residence Le Terrazze
Via Fabio Filzi, 21
Hotel Roma
Via Carlo Ghega, 7
B&B Atelier Lidia Polla
Via del Coroneo 1
Hotel Continentale
Via San Nicolò, 25

Hotels in the old town

Grand Hotel Duchi D'Aosta Trieste
Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, 2/1
Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace
Riva del Mandracchio, 4
Urban Hotel Design
Androna Chiusa, 4
Albero Nascosto
Via Felice Venezian, 18
Locanda alle Beccherie
Via delle Beccherie, 5
Casa Trauner
Via della Mura, 26
Residence del Mare
Via della Madonna del Mare, 4
Hotel James Joyce
Via dei Cavazzeni, 7
Hotel Porta Cavana
Via Felice Venezian, 14


On Wednesday, 10 October there will be an excursion to the Postojna Cave.

It will start from the SISSA at 13:30 and will end in Trieste center around 20:00.

During 90 minutes guided visit we will see 5 km of the cave of which 3.2 km by riding an electric train and the rest by walking along an easy footpath. The temperature inside the cave is 8-10 °C and humidity is about 95%, so warm clothing is advised.

The excursion cost will be EUR 40 for each participant and accompanying person.

If you are interested interested in participating, please notify the organizers as soon as possible. If you will be coming with accompanying persons, please include the number of them.

Conference Dinner

A conference dinner will be on Thursday, 11 October at 19:30 at Osteria de Scarpon

The address: Via Della Ginnastica, 20

The cost will be EUR 30 for each participant and accompanying person.

The menu will be fish but a meat or vegetarian menus are available upon request.
