Vasicek J. Symmetries and conservation laws for a generalization of Kawahara equation (abstract)
Speaker: Jakub Vašíček
Title: Symmetries and conservation laws for a generalization of Kawahara equation
In this talk we study formal and generalized symmetries and local conservation laws for a fifth order nonlinear evolutionary partial differential equation in two independent and one dependent variable which generalizes the Kawahara equation. In particular, we establish nonexistence of formal symmetries of rank greater than 13 and give a complete description of generalized symmetries and local conservation laws for the equation under study.
Slides: VasicekTrieste2018slides.pdf
Event: Local and Nonlocal Geometry of PDEs and Integrability, 8-12 October 2018, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
The conference in honor of Joseph Krasil'shchik's 70th birthday.