Workshop on Integrable Nonlinear Equations

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18-24 October 2015, Mikulov, Czech Republic

Workshop Photography


Scientific Committee

Joseph Krasil'shchik (Chairman), Michal Marvan, Artur Sergyeyev, Alexander Verbovetsky, and Raffaele Vitolo

Local organizers: Michal Marvan and Hynek Baran, Mathematical Institute in Opava.


  • Geometry of integrable systems
  • Homological and algebraic methods in geometry of differential equations
  • Nonlocal geometry of differential equations and zero curvature representations
  • Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalism
  • Computer methods in geometry of differential equations

Programme: pdf

The lecture room for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lectures is located at the same floor as is the reception. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 on the same floor.

A beamer and a whiteboard will be available in the lecture room.

Participants and Talks


All abstracts in one pdf file

  • Hynek Baran (Opava)
    • Five-dimensional Lax-integrable equation, its reductions and recursion operator, presentation
  • Diego Catalano Ferraioli (Salvador)
    • Nontrivial 1-parameter families of zero-curvature representations obtained via symmetry actions, abstract, presentation
  • Jan Cieśliński (Białystok)
  • Felipe Contatto (Cambridge)
  • Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge), Oct. 21-24
    • First integrals of affine connections and Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type, abstract, presentation
  • James Gundry (Cambridge)
  • Gerard Helminck (Amsterdam)
  • Josef Janyška (Brno)
    • On the Lie algebra of generators of infinitesimal symmetries almost-cosymplectic-contact structures, abstract
  • Igor Khavkine (Trento)
    • Applications of compatibility complexes and their cohomology in relativity and gauge theories, abstract, presentation
  • Jerzy Kijowski (Warsaw), Oct. 18-20
    • Geometric quantization and Bäcklund transformations of the Schrödinger equations, abstract, presentation
  • Joseph Krasil'shchik (Moscow)
    • Nonlocal symmetries of the 3D rdDym equation (a joint work with H.Baran, O.Morozov and P.Vojčák), abstract, presentation
  • Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø), Oct. 18-20
  • Hông Vân Lê (Prague), Oct. 19noon-22morning
    • Homotopy invariants of chain complexes and closed orbits of locally Hamiltonian systems, abstract, presentation
  • Paolo Lorenzoni (Milan)
  • Valentin Lychagin (Tromsø), Oct. 18-23afternoon
  • Franco Magri (Milan), Oct. 18-22
  • Giovanni Manno (Turin), Oct. 18-23afternoon
    • Conformal geometric aspects of hyperplane sections of Lagrangian Grassmannians, abstract, presentation
  • Luigi Martina (Lecce)
  • Michal Marvan (Opava)
  • Oleg Morozov (Kraków)
    • Deformed cohomologies of symmetry pseudo-groups and coverings of differential equations, abstract, presentation
  • Folkert Müller-Hoissen (Göttingen)
    • Self-consistent sources for integrable equations via deformations of binary Darboux transformations, abstract, presentation
  • Francesco Oliveri (Messina)
  • Dominik Ostermayr (Cologne)
    • Harmonic maps from super Riemann surfaces into complex projective superspaces: Twistor lifts and integrable systems, abstract
  • Andriy Panasyuk (Olsztyn)
  • Maxim Pavlov (Moscow/Novosibirsk)
    • Gelfand-Dorfman Poisson brackets and classification of the corresponding three-dimensional quasilinear equations of the second order, abstract
  • Andrei Pogrebkov (Moscow)
  • Roman Popovych (Vienna)
  • Vladimir Rubtsov (Angers)
  • Alexey Samokhin (Moscow)
    • Numeric simulation of sawtooth solutions of the Burgers equation on a finite interval, abstract, presentation
  • Artur Sergyeyev (Opava)
    • New nonlocal symmetries and conservation laws for the Gibbons-Tsarev system
  • Alexander Verbovetsky (Moscow)
  • Luca Vitagliano (Salerno)
  • Raffaele Vitolo (Lecce)
    • On the Hamiltonian structure of hydrodynamic-type systems in conservative form, abstract, presentation
  • Petr Vojčák (Opava)
    • Some integrability properties of a (3+1)-dimensional integrable generalization of the dKP equation, abstract, presentation
  • Pasha Zusmanovich (Ostrava)
    • Invariants of Lie algebras generated by dynamical systems, abstract

Workshop Location

Ruins of mediaeval Castle Sirotčí hrádek (Orphans fort)

The workshop will take place in the town of Mikulov, Czech Republic, in the premises of hotel Eliška.

The town of Mikulov is located on South Moravia, within sight from the Czech–Austrian border, in the heart of a wine region. The place is a sought-after destination for wine lovers.

Numerous monuments include the former Liechtenstein, later Dietrichstein Castle and the Dietrichstein Tomb. Beautiful views are from the Goat Tower and from the Holly Hill. For three hundred years Mikulov was the political, religious, and cultural center of Moravian Jews. In the 16th century, the Rabbi of Moravia resided here, including Yehuda Löw ben Bezalel, the creator of the legendary Golem of Prague. The remnants of the history include the Jewish Quarter and a large Jewish Cemetery.

Mikulov lies in the southernmost tip of the Pálava Landscape Protected Area, recognized by UNESCO, dominated by the limestone Pálava Hills. We plan an excursion to the area, weather permitting.

Cave enthusiasts may wish to visit the Turold cave in the north part of the town, to witness the unusual and unique wall decoration.

The Venus of Dolní Věstonice, a ceramic nude female figure dated to 29,000–25,000 BCE, was discovered in a nearby paleolithic archaeological site.

The Lednice–Valtice Cultural Landscape is located 15 kilometers to the East from Mikulov and can be easily reached by car. After 550 years of development, the park of the Liechtensteins castle is a gem among parks in Czech Republic. The park, the greenhouse and the minaret are open till the end of October (unlike the castle).

Temperatures are expected to remain above zero during the whole week.

Conference Costs

Full costs (including accommodation and full board) for the whole event per person are, tentatively,

standard room cheap room
double occupancy 8685 CZK (320 EUR) 7250 CZK (265 EUR)
single occupancy 10560 CZK (385 EUR) 8700 CZK (325 EUR)

Prices in EUR depend on the currency exchange ratio valid at the day of the payment. Rooms of both types have private bathrooms with shower or (exceptionally) bathtub.

The payment required from accompanying persons (defined to be people that take part in the same activities as the participants except lectures and coffee breaks) is 1600 CZK (approx 60 EUR) less than the payment required from the participants.

Please, keep us informed about any changes in the length of your stay. The hotel's cancellation fees are 31 — 50 days: 10 %, 30 — 16 days: 25 %, 15 — 4 days: 50 %, 3 — 1 days: 100 %.

All costs should be paid to the hotel upon departure, in cash or by credit card. We regret that no financial support is available for this event.


Those in need of a visa to travel to the Czech Republic (EU) are kindly requested to contact the organizers as soon as possible so that we can arrange the letters of invitation. It is strongly recommended to apply for a visa well before the trip.


The arrival day is October 18 (Sunday). The departure day is October 24 (Saturday).

By air. The closest major international airport is the Vienna airport (Flughafen Wien). We recommend to take the bus 1187 to the railway station Wien Meidling (every half an hour) and proceed to Mikulov na Moravě by train (see below).

Only once a day there is a direct bus service from the Vienna Airport (17:00) to Mikulov u parku (18:45) and from Mikulov u parku (8:05) to the Vienna Airport (10:00), see

By train. Mikulov na Moravě is easy to reach by train from Břeclav (24 km). Břeclav itself is directly connected to Brno (60 km), Vienna (90 km), Prague (315 km), Warsaw (530 km) and Berlin (710 km). You may wish to consult a route planner for the journey there and back. Be sure to buy tickets to Mikulov na Moravě (and not any other Mikulov).

The walking distance from the Mikulov na Moravě railway station to the hotel is 750 m. The hotel is situated between the railway station and the castle. Leaving the railway station, look for the footpath in the direction to the center. After successfully entering the footpath, you will easily see the castle in front of you. Keep the direction to it until you find yourself on the street of 22 dubna at the base of the castle hill. The main entrance to hotel Eliška is on your right. You may wish to consult the map (the Google route planner does not recognise the footpath).

Alternatively you can take any bus from the railway station that makes the first stop at Mikulov u parku. Go off at this stop and walk along the street of Piaristů to the street of 22 dubna with the main entrance to hotel Eliška being on your left.

By car. Route E461 connecting Vienna to Brno goes through Mikulov. Drive to the hotel's parking place.

The main entrance to the hotel is from the street of 22 dubna 1000/28 (GPS 48.80465 N, 16.63458 E). If help is needed, call +420 519 513 073 (hotel Eliška).

No common meal is planned for the arrival day (Sunday). The nearest restaurant is open till 22:00.


Three destinations are planned for Wednesday morning. According to the last weather forecast, we shall not be exposed to rain with reasonable probability.

  • An 8 km walk through the Pálava Landscape Protected Area, dominated by the limestone Pálava Hills (550 m). We shall rise about 300 m to see a castle ruin and a number of limestone rock formations. Please prepare 70 CZK (an equivalent of 3 EUR) per person. Start at 9:20 in front of the hotel. Photos.
  • A visit to the Valtice castle in the Lednice–Valtice Cultural Landscape recognised by UNESCO and the castle's wine cellars (visitors may not return sober). The overall walked distance will be 4 km (in four pieces). Please prepare 400 CZK (an equivalent of 15 EUR) per person. Start at 9:30 in front of the hotel.

Wednesday's lunch will be served from 14:00 to 15:00.