Ostermayr D. Harmonic maps from super Riemann surfaces into complex projective superspaces: Twistor lifts and integrable systems, talk at The Workshop on Integrable Nonlinear Equations, 18-24 October 2015, Mikulov, Czech Republic (abstract)

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Speaker: Dominik Ostermayr

Title: Harmonic maps from super Riemann surfaces into complex projective superspaces: Twistor lifts and integrable systems

In their seminal paper, Eells and Wood classified isotropic harmonic maps from a Riemann surface into complex projective spaces via twistor lifts. This accounts for all harmonic maps if the source is a sphere. Moreover, Burstall showed that all non-isotropic harmonic 2-tori can be constructed by integrating commuting flows.

I shall discuss the analogues of these two approaches for harmonic maps from a super Riemann surface into complex projective superspaces. In particular, I shall show how super Riemann surfaces with parabolic structures arise naturally in this context.