Hông Vân Lê, Homotopy invariants of chain complexes and closed orbits of locally Hamiltonian systems, talk at The Workshop on Integrable Nonlinear Equations, 18-24 October 2015, Mikulov, Czech Republic (abstract)

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Speaker: Hông Vân Lê

Title: Homotopy invariants of chain complexes and closed orbits of locally Hamiltonian systems

In 1987 Floer developed his Floer homology theory to prove a homological version of the Arnold conjecture, which is finally proved by Fukaya-Ono and Liu-Tian in 1998. In my lecture I shall discuss a homological version of the Arnold conjecture concerning the least number of closed orbits of locally Hamiltonian systems. I also discuss the strong version of the Arnold conjecture using homotopy invariants of free finitely generated chain complexes.

Slides: Hông Vân Lê, Homotopy invariants of chain complexes and closed orbits of locally Hamiltonian systems (presentation at The Workshop on Integrable Nonlinear Equations, 18-24 October 2015, Mikulov, Czech Republic).pdf