Krasilshchik J., Verbovetsky A., Vitolo R. On the relationship between integrability structures and higher symmetries, talk at WASCOM 2011 (Brindisi, Italy), 13-16 June 2011 (abstract)

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Speaker: Raffaele Vitolo

Title: On the relationship between integrability structures and higher symmetries

It is generally agreed that a system of (non-linear) differential equations is said to be integrable if there exists an infinite sequence of commuting generalized symmetries. Such a sequence can be generated through differential operators like recursion operators, (commuting pairs of) Hamiltonian operators or symplectic operators. In this talk a new method for finding such operators will be presented. It amounts at computing the operators as generalized symmetries of a system of (nonlinear) DEs which is obtained from the initial system of PDEs by adding the equations or , where stands for the linearization and stands for its adjoint. Many examples of computations for evolutionary and non-evolutionary equations will be provided.

Slides: Krasilshchik J., Verbovetsky A., Vitolo R. On the relationship between integrability structures and higher symmetries (presentation at WASCOM 2011, Brindisi, Italy, 12-18 June 2011).pdf