Summer School: Introduction to the geometry of jet spaces and nonlinear differential equations

29 June - 6 July 2014, Wisła, Beskid Mountains, Poland
The summer school is organized by the Baltic Institute of Mathematics.
Lecturers: Joseph Krasil'shchik (Silesian University in Opava and Independent University of Moscow) and Alexander Verbovetsky (Independent University of Moscow)
0. Introduction: smooth manifolds, vector bundles, distributions.
1. Jets of bundles. Nonlinear differential operators.
2. The Cartan distribution.
3. Geometry of the Cartan distribution. Lie transformations. Contact transformations.
4. Lie-Bäcklund Theorem.
5. Nonlinear differential equations. Prolongations. Infinite jets.
6. Evolutionary derivations and higher symmetries.
7. Examples of computation.
8. Applications: integrability of ODEs in quadratures and Lie-Bianchi Theorem.
9. Applications: invariant solutions and solitons.
For further details please see the School site and contact the Organizing Committee by the email address: