Samokhin A. Gradient catastrophes for Burgers equation on a finite interval. Numerical and qualitative study, talk Workshop Geom. of PDEs and Integrability, 14-18 Oct 2013, Teplice nad Becvou, Czech Rep. (abstract)

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Speaker: Alexey Samokhin

Title: Gradient catastrophes for Burgers equation on a finite interval. Numerical and qualitative study

We consider initial value-boundary problem (IVBP) for the Burgers equation


on a finite interval:


The case of constant boundary conditions , and its asymptotics is of special interest here. For such a IVBP viscosity usually produces asymptotic stationary solution which is invariant for some subalgebra of the full symmetry algebra of the equation. But the evolution may also result in a stable gradient catastrophe.

Slides: Samokhin A. Gradient catastrophes for a generalized Burgers equation on a finite interval (presentation at The Workshop on Geometry of PDEs and Integrability, 14-18 October 2013, Teplice nad Becvou, Czech Republic).zip