Seminar talk, 27 March 2013

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Speaker: Pavel Bibikov

Title: On classification of the ordinary differential equations solved for the highest derivative

The problem of classification of differential equations with respect to point and contact transformations is one of the oldest and most important problems in the theory of differential equations. For all that, the most interesting and important objects to study appear to be the ordinary differential equations solved for the highest derivative, i.e., the equations of the form


First results in this field were obtained by Sophus Lie:

  1. ordinary differential equation of the first order in the neighborhood of nonsingular point is point equivalent to the equation ;
  2. ordinary differential equation of the second order in the neighborhood of nonsingular point is equivalent to the equation .

Thus, what is of interest is the point classification of ordinary differential equations of form for and the contact classification for .

The case for equations of form in general position was studied by Tresse, a student of Sophus Lie. A detailed description of this result was given by Kruglikov.

The talk will discuss contact and point classifications of equations of form in general position for . We describe sets of differential invariants of these equations and relations between them that completely define classes of contact (point) equivalence given equations of form .