Seminar talk, 27 February 2006

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Speaker: Petr Akhmet'ev

Title: On high-order analogs of magnetic helicity integral. Part 1

Magnetic field in an ideal conducting liquid medium satisfies the conservation law of helicity. In a conducting medium with a nonzero magnetic diffusion coefficient the rate of change of magnetic helicity is determined by the current helicity integral. This relation can be explained from topological considerations. The current helicity is computed in experiments.

The talk discusses higher analogs (related to higher algebraic invariants of knots and links) of magnetic and current helicity.

P.M. Akhmet’ev, O.V. Kunakovskaya, and V.A. Kutvitskii, Remark on the dissipation of the magnetic helicity integral, 158 (2009) 125-134, doi:10.1007/s11232-009-0010-x; Russian original: Teor. Mat. Fiz. 158 (2009) 150-160, Mi tmf6305